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Questions & Answers
Q: What's new in 2024?
A. We've officially added Thursday night to the event. We know our out-of-state guests and retirees will love this option.
Q: Where exactly is this hang?
A: South of Grand Rapids, Michigan at Yankee Springs Recreation Area - Deep Lake Unit Campground, 2526 S. Yankee Spring Rd, Middleville, MI 49333 Click here for Google Map directions
Q: Who can come?
A: Anybody. We'll even let you attend if you are from Ohio!
Q: When is MiCHILIgan happening?
A: Thursday, October 04, 2024 @ 3pm - Sunday, October 06, 2024 (Eastern Time zone)
Q: How can I help?
A: miCHILIgan is great because everyone chips in a little. Some bring food for our community meals while others sign-up to volunteer as a cook, cleaner, or help with set-up & take-down. All open volunteer slots are on the registration Google sign-up sheet.
Q: How much does it cost to attend?
A: In years when we've have a Raffle coordinator (and we do for 2024!), the proceeds for the raffle have covered the cost of the site registration, wood and miscellaneous expenses. We hope to always have a raffle coordinator and therefore a "free hang" where the only cost to attend is purchasing tickets toward the raffle. The hang could proceed without a raffle, but we would then charge a fee.
Q: What's so special about chili?
A: When the weather cools down and the campfire gets going, there’s no better comfort food than chili to warm your soul and make it a perfect night. We celebrate National Chili Month with a chili cooking competition on Saturday night.
Q: What kind of toilet and shower facilities are there?
A: Clean vault toilets are in the group camping area. There is a modern campground roughly 10 minutes away for those that prefer to go there.
Q: Is there electricity at the group site?
A: Nope
Q: I can't "do rustic camping", can I still come?
A: Yup. Reserve a site at the modern campground (roughly 10 minutes away). Hang out with us during the day and then return to your own site at night.
Q: Is it true miCHILIgan hang is alcohol and marijuana free?
A: Yes, those are not allowed in the Deep Lake campground.
Q: Do I need to bring water?
A: There is a hand pump in the middle community area. Bring your own if you'd like.
Q: Are there enough trees for all hangers?
A: There have been so far, and we've had over 100 hammockers some years!
Q: Are pets and kids allowed to attend?
A: Well behaved ones, yes. Pets must be on leashes.
Q: Are your meals on your own or in a group?
A: We celebrate "Eat Better, Eat Together Month" by having several group meals. We recognize doing this on a regular basis has been associated with improved social skills, better eating habits, and fewer behavioral problems in teenagers. It is also helpful for reducing stress in adults. This will vary from year-to-year at the direction of our Camp Chef. Traditionally, we have group meals on Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast (lunch is on-your-own) and our Chili Competition on Saturday night.
Q: How do you pronounce miCHILIgan?
A: It rhymes with Gilligan.
Q: Why change the hang name and why change it to miCHILIgan?
A: We wanted to make it as easy to remember as possible. miCHILIgan fully reflects​ Michigan + Chili (two significant aspects of this hang). Plus, there isn't another state which so perfectly snuggles chili in the middle of it.
Q: Why do squirrels collect acorns?
A: They’re completely nuts. Just like us.
Q: Has the hang always been at the Yankee Springs Rec Area?
A: Yes
Q: Do I need to bring my own plates and eating tools?
A: Yup
Q: What other activities can you do at Yankee Springs?
A: Mountain biking, kayaking, hiking, boating, & fishing.
Q: Why is your mascot a squirrel?
A: October is Squirrel Awareness Month. They are essential components of the ecology, and they are also quite attractive. Squirrels have a very vital function in the ecology, namely in forest regeneration. Because of their feeding and food-saving habits, they make significant contributions to the makeup of plant communities.
Q: Does the mascot have a name?
A: Not yet. Got an idea?
Q: Do I need to bring firewood?
A: We will have wood delivered for the main group bonfire, but if you want to have an individual fire at your campsite, then you should plan to bring wood.
Q: Am I required to have a parking permit?
A: A Michigan State Park Recreation Passports is required for entry for both state residents and non-residents. Click here to get one in advance.
Q: How does one become a Board of Director member?
A: You may get asked or you can nominate yourself. Our terms are for three years. We realize volunteer burnout nearly destroyed this hang and strongly encourage everyone to step up and take a turn. Interested? Email
Q: What is the website for Yankee Springs Rec Area?
A: Click here
Q: I don't own a hammock and sleep in a tent, can I still attend?
A: We'd love to have you! You just need to be interested in hammocks. You might be referred to as a "ground dweller," but it's all in fun. We all started as ground dwellers so we won't judge how you sleep. We want you to come and see what hammock camping is all about! Our seasoned hammockers typically bring extra gear for first-timers to give hammock camping a try.
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