Raffle Coordinator
Karla With a K
Solicit raffle items
Keep electronic records up-to-date
Sell tickets & collect money
Donate extra money to designated charity
Marketing Coordinator
Steve C Wixson
Keep website, FB, HF, & Instagram accounts updated
Reserve campsite
Announce and coordinate registration
Organize electronic media
Logistics Coordinator
Ted Theisen
Store physical items (canopies, grills, nametags, etc)
Set up camp and take down camp
Inventory any items broken or need replacement
Coordinate wood delivery
Camp Chef
Kevin Position
Coordinating group meal sign-up sheet
Set up camp kitchen & pack up
Organize meal captains
Garbage collection & removal
Weekend Events Coordinator
Stephanie Arends
Organize registration & nametags
Coordinate gear swap & gear sales event
Host 1st timers social
- Be cute
- Celebrate October as squirrel awareness month
Transition Coordinator
Karla "with a k"
- Recruit board members
- Organize electronic media
- Set agenda and timeline for board meetings
- Help document everything
*one year term*